The eConsult Network Built by Primary Care Clinicians
ConferMED puts its national network of hundreds of licensed, board certified specialists from 70+ medical areas within the reach of primary care providers across the country, all within the EHR.
Increase quality of care, lower cost, improve patient satisfaction, transform clinical practice, with ConferMED’s eConsult solution.
Find out what ConferMED can do for you.
Learn what makes ConferMED the eConsult network preferred by both providers and payers

Nearly |
Specialists |
70+ |
Specialty |
eConsults within your workflow
Full EHR interoperability keeps care on track

70+ Specialty Areas
The critical ConferMED difference is our growing roster of committed, expert, board-certified specialists.

Built on 50 Years of Primary Care Expertise
ConferMED was developed by practicing primary care clinicians to address the challenges of obtaining specialty consultations and coordinating care with specialists.

The Supportive Network
Hundreds of licensed, board certified specialists from 70+ medical areas stand by ready to help primary care providers.
Proven Cost Savings
$500,000 in Medicaid savings in one year
when a large community health center used ConferMED eConsults for four common specialties1
$82 PMPM savings using ConferMED eConsults
compared to face-to-face care2
$466 per person savings
with ConferMED Cardiology eConsult3
- Anderson D, Villagra V, Coman E, et al. Reduced Cost of Specialty Care Using eConsults for Medicaid Patients. Health Affairs 2018; 27 (12): 2031-2036
- Anderson D, Villagra V, Coman E, Zlateva I, Hutchinson A, Villagra J, Olayiwola, N. A Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Cardiology eConsults for Medicaid Patients. Am J Managed Care 2018; 24(1): e9-e16
- Olayiwola JN, Anderson D, Jepeal N, Aseltine R, Pickett C, Yan J, Zlateva I. Electronic Consultations to Improve the Primary Care-Specialty Care Interface for Cardiology in the Medically Underserved: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Fam Med 2016; 14(2):133-140

Ohio Diabetes Project
ConferMED is partnering with 7 Ohio Medicaid managed care plans and the Ohio Association of Community Health Centers to improve diabetes outcomes in the state. ConferMED’s endocrinologists are available to provide eConsult guidance to primary care providers working in health centers across the state to help them develop and implement evidence based, effective treatment plans to reduce complications from diabetes.

Maine eConsult Network
ConferMED was chosen as the eConsult vendor to build and support the Maine eConsult network. With funding from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, health centers from across the state have been accepted into this statewide pilot program to receive eConsults from ConferMED’s Maine-licensed specialty care providers. The program features full interoperability with a range of electronic health record systems, implementation support, and a detailed quantitative and qualitative evaluation.